Are you falling prey to common food myths that are actually harming your health? Let's debunk 5 of them and save ourselves from sickness!

Myth #1: Skipping breakfast helps in weight loss. Truth: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it boosts metabolism and prevents overeating.

Myth #2: Eating fat makes you fat. Truth: Healthy fats like avocado, nuts, and olive oil are essential for a balanced diet and weight management.

Myth #3: Carbs are bad for you. Truth: Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for our body, just choose complex carbs like whole grains.

Myth #4: Eating after 8 pm leads to weight gain. Truth: It's not about the time, but the type of food you eat. Avoid heavy meals and opt for light snacks.

Myth #5: Gluten-free diet is healthier. Truth: Unless you have celiac disease, there's no need to eliminate gluten from your diet. It's a myth!

Myth #6: Eating spicy food causes ulcers. Truth: Spicy food may irritate existing ulcers, but it doesn't cause them. In fact, it has many health benefits.

Myth #7: Drinking water during meals dilutes stomach acid. Truth: Water actually aids in digestion and helps in nutrient absorption. Drink up!

Myth #8: Eating sugar causes diabetes. Truth: Diabetes is caused by a combination of factors, not just sugar intake. Moderation is key.

Myth #9: Eating fruits on an empty stomach is bad. Truth: Fruits are easily digested and provide essential nutrients. Enjoy them anytime of the day!